Tito’s Brandy X.O.

Tito’s Brandy X.O. (from brandy wine, derived from Dutch Brandy wine, grap brande wine or “burned wine”) is a spirit produced by distilling wine. Brandy generally contains 35 to 60 percent alcohol by volume  (70 to 120 U.S. proof ) and Tito’s Brandy X.O strengths 40 percent alcohol by ( 70 U.S. proof ).

SKU: 7648 Category: Tag: Product ID: 447


Tito’s Brandy X.O. (from brandy wine, derived from Dutch Brandy wine, grap brande wine or “burned wine”) is a spirit produced by distilling wine.

Brandy generally contains 35 to 60 percent alcohol by volume  (70 to 120 U.S. proof ) and Tito’s Brandy X.O strengths 40 percent alcohol by ( 70 U.S. proof ).

Tito’s Brandy X.O is typically taken as an after – dinner drink and best enjoyed neat.

Some brandies are aged in wooden casks, some are colored with caramel coloring to imitate the effect of aging, but Tito’s X.O is produced using a combination of both aging and caramel coloring.

Tito’s Brandy also denotes liquors obtained from the wines and made by using grapes with their stems, skins and seeds.

Brandy is generally rated by age, but the ratings vary widely by country. Tito’s Brandy is rated as X.O. (extra old): a brandy aged six-and a-half years or more


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